Calculating Unit Conversions

Last Updated: May 02, 1999

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Temperature Unit Conversions

Celsius To Fahrenheit

fahrenheit = (celsius * 9 / 5) + 32

Fahrenheit To Celsius

celsius = (fahrenheit-32) * 5 / 9

Kelvin Conversions

kelvin = celsius + 273.15
celsius = kelvin - 273.15

Pressure Unit Conversions

Note: Millibars are also known as hectopascals

Inches To Millibars

millibars = inches * 33.8653

Millibars To Inches

inches = millibars / 33.8653

Kilopascal Conversions

millibars = kilopascals * 10
kilopascals = millibars / 10

Wind Unit Conversions

Convert wind units using the wind unit conversion table and the instructions below.

  1. Find the unit you are converting in the Convert From column on the left.
  2. Then find the unit you are converting in the Convert To column across the top.
  3. The cell that intersects the selected unit on the left and the selected unit across the top contain the number that you multiply by to convert your unit.

Wind Unit Conversion Table
Convert FromConvert To
miles/hour --- 0.44704 1.60934 1.15193
meters/sec 2.23693 --- 3.6 1.96936
kilometers/hour 0.62137 0.27778 --- 0.54704
knots 0.86811 0.50778 1.82800 ---

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